went to host students from shangdong yesterday with julene ,rebecca,jing si,yingjie,phylisia,brian,sumin adn mr toh. every1 reached at about 8.15. n mr toh was there early. every1 was supposed to gather at 8.30.so we waited. AND waited. around 9 then they come-.- we got on the bus,n we get to interact with sum of the china students.

we reeached the ZOO! i tink the last time ive been here was like primary 2 or 3? the eight of us was assigned to a group,wer supposed to guide them n make sure they wont get lost. so we walked around together at first,but gt seperated into our groups. quite boring,n its damn hot. the only beautiful animals i find are the white tiger n the big fat crocodile. blablabla--- after zoo,we went to the food court in people's park complex. ok,since im the guide,i lead me group n introduced to them wad kind of dishes singapore serve.my group has 6 ppl,so 1 stayed at the table,the other 5 followed me. we stopped at 1 drink store,then 2 girls bought 1 coconut each. we were still choosing the drinks,when the red-shirt girl suddenyl zoom passed us.i tot she went to get sumtin,so i dint bother much. after my china dudes bought their food,they went back table. so i joined brian they all for awhile. brian told me he bought sum fried noodles for the red-shirt girl. ok tats weird,i tot she already bought sumtin?! i went back to the table,n saw lots of dishes.

a bowl of noodles,bowl of congee,bowl of sum sort of soup,fried noodles,sum fries,2 coconuts. at first i tot it was 4 every1. then the girl sitting bside me said:" nono,she gonna finish it all by herself(in chinese)" WAD???!!!! that red shirt girl is sooo slim.how can she eat TAT MUCH???!!!
i tot she was jus jokin,so i jus ate my food. i haven finish eatin mine,she already started on the next bowl. gosh shes scary-.- . after we ate,i went to find sumin's group since im the last group to finish (obvious reasons) . we were halfway out the foodcourt,then tat red-shirt gal went to buy one sugar cane.as in really ONE STICK. n noe wad?she started chewing o.O .

i wasnt very familiar wit pp complex,so i found sumin,then both of our groups walked together. we shopped around,n found a supermarket(the sugar cane girl will get sooo excited whenever she sees FOOD.) we walked in pp complex for awhile,then we went to chinatown. i cant really tell them wad tat place has,cos i hardly go to such places. so they jus walk on their own,stopping to c wad dose shops have to sell. at around 3 we have to meet up with the teachers to go sentosa,but we dint manage to go sentosa,raining quite heavily. change of plans:going suntec city .

im not so familiar with suntec,but at least better then chinatown. same thing,we led out groups around. my group went to a perfume shop,i was like aarrgghhh. i stood outside n waited. then the sugar cane girl n another guy went to the tie shop nxt to it. the sugar cane girl wanted to buy a tie for her dad,so she sumhow have to speak english with the shop keeper,and the shopkeeper is malay(i tink). i offered to help at first,but the malay noes how to speak mandarin. amazing!! then another guy came in.bought a tie for his dad too. 1 tie=$69. o.O. after buying,4 of us went to the perfume shop. 3 OF THEM R GONE!!!!!! i tink phylisia called me,n told me 3 of my dudes r wit her. then they came back,n sumin wants me to buy her icecream,so we went to the ice cream parlour. after buying,my group realised tat 1 of their dudes is mising again,but they decided nt to go find him,so we walked around without him. we walked passed a sugar cane shop,n saw a stack of sugar cane(this spells trouble). the sugar cane girl already finished her sugar cane. we shoppes around for awhile,then the girl suddenly sae:" uh im hungry again" . every1 was SHOCKEd and we all laughed. we mus gather at 6,so i called jingsi ,ask her how to go back,n we slowly walked back .when we reached,only jing si's group was present. the china dudes talked to each other as though they dint see each other for donkey years. ZOOM!!! the sugar cane girl rushed pass me.her fren shouted to her :WHERE R U GOIN. the girl:BUY SUGARCANE. WTF???!!! after awhile i went to look for her,n stopped halfway cos jingsi called me to come back. i walked back,n there was still no sign of her. a few of the groups came back,then we finally see the sugar cane girl,WITH ANOTHER sugar cane.-.-the atmosphere was filled up fill laughter n chattering. reb n brian was always the last group to appear.

we went to a restuarant sumwhere near suntec for dinner. the food sucks there,everyting practically sucks .no choice,we had to eat. then we cant finish the food,we play "zhong ji mi ma" to see whos the suay 1 to finish it.after dinner,WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GO ESPLANADE ,due to the fucking rain,we went back sch-.-.we went back to the sports sch(the china dudes r staying dere),took a few picts with them,n went back home. minus all the communication problem,its quite fun to go out with them.

went to my first co lesson today!!! stupid mr chong made us stayed back for physics. nvm,i still get to go co. dylan dint wait for me although he said he wld,but its so late already,he obviously went home. 1st lesson was damn boring,teacher make me face the wall n practice.sian. i duno whether shld i go co on friday or sentosa with the china dudes =X .


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